Before I start telling you my story, I just wanted to say Happy Birthday, America!

Wow, you are 238 years old! Good thing you’re not a dog, ’cause then you’d be 1666 years old. 

4th of July 2014

Well, we’re back from our vacation, I think. I never really know when we might take off again. 

We went lots of places, so it will take me a few posts to tell you about my fun travels, otherwise, this post would be super duper long and you might fall asleep reading it.

This trip actually started because of me. For real. Two things I LOVE to do are sniffing for fun smells, and guarding everything.

Behr sniffing by lake

I love sniffing so MUCH that I actually compete with other doggies to see who can find things the fastest. I’ve won several titles playing this game, but I’ll tell you the details on that in a later post. You can read a little about these games I play here and my first title win here in the meantime.

The other thing I do all day long is guard everything. If I’m not outside, I’m looking out of windows to keep an eye on everyone in my neighborhood. If they get to close to my house, I let them know.

Behr in our window

My hackles are up in this picture because a dog dared to walk to close to my house. I let him know (loudly) that he was not allowed in my neighborhood because I own the whole thing.

Behr in our window 2


I love guarding our hotel room by watching from the window. It’s pretty fun to scare people this way. Just so you know, it’s also really fun to scare cleaning people who forget to knock. Bwahaha 🙂

Behr in hotel window

I guard our tent when we are in the forest too.

Behr guarding tent

So, because I’m good at these, I thought I got invited to guard the whole nation. I know you’re laughing, but keep reading.

Oregon National Guard

I was invited to the National Guard in a state a million miles away, called Oregon. 

Behr at national guard

But, I found out I was there to find a bunch of things hidden in the facility. The only thing I got to guard was our truck, sadly. I really was hoping I could make the whole country my territory to guard. 

Unfortunately, I discovered this silly Oregon place has huge rain storms that can show up suddenly and do scarey things. Usually Mom sets up a cozy area for her and Dad to hang out and have food, drinks, and chat with other people. She never got to finish, though.

truck at national guard

She had only gotten the shelter set up between our truck and trailer, and gotten chairs out when raindrops the size of cow pies started falling. Seriously. I know how big cow pies are, and  I also know what they taste like.

Mom got in the back of the truck with me to let me know things were ok, when the E-Z up crashed into the truck and flew away. That scared me.

So, after all of that, I really wasn’t in the mood to go find things anymore. Also, I was cold and really just wanted to snuggle in my blankies and listen to the rain with Mom petting me.

OK, so I didn’t win the contest, BUT if it hadn’t been for me, Mom and Dad wouldn’t have gotten to have their vacation in a fun new place. That’s how I see it, anyhow. Besides, I know if I win this last title, I’ll have to quit playing this hide-n-seek game with my friends, and I don’t want to.

This is what family is all about. I convince them to go to new places where my games are, and then they take me exploring the nearby areas. It works out great.

Stay tuned for stories of the exploring we did afterward.

♥ Behr Behr, (almost) national guard dog 🙂