You are currently browsing the daily archive for January 22, 2009.

Oh Dear! I’ve gotten behind on posting some of my new, fun awards that I’ve received. My apologies to everyone who nominated me for these wonderful awards. I feel so privileged for having such pawsome blog friends like you. Woo hoo! I’m leaping in the air for sheer joy at the thought of you all!!

Ok, so down to business.

1.Friends Award”, given to me by my blogging friends, Roxy, Lilly, and Sophie, AKA the “PR Gang.” Their mom is really cool ‘cause she makes them seahorse cookies! Thanks!


The reason for this award is: “These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”

We’re passing the “Friends Award” on to… (drum roll please….)

Belisma Rune (whew! That’s a lonnnnng name!)

Dobby, ‘cause he’s just so cute!

Baby Shiloh, my newest (and youngest) friend

Kai, because I want him to know he’s special to me, even if his sisters have stolen his blog…

Kenai and BB. Kenai, I wanna be big like you when I grow up. Kenai has a really cool blog full of great dog information. Go there if you haven’t already. BB is Kenai’s little brother who has overcome major obstacles and deserves to be recognized for that. (they can share the award)

Bu, who needs to come back and let us know how he is.

Rusty, my squirrel chasing buddy, and..

Savage, to cheer him up as he recovers from surgery.

Note: If any of these blogs are new to you, breeze on by and check them out. You might just find a new friend there.

2. The “Kind Blogger Award”, given to me by that rascally Dennis. Does that mean I’m kind of a blogger, Dennis?


I’m going to pass this one on to Franki V., who is really, really kind. When I was little, she even gave me a pretty pink vest, which I still wear to this day.

3. I got this one from two sources at the same time. Huey and Higgins, the Hawaiian beach danes, and Roxy, Lilly, and Sophie, the “PR Gang.” Thank all of you for choosing me for the “I Love Your Blog” award!! Now if we all lived closer, we could have an awesome “pawty” and celebrate by playing together. I wish we did.


The fine print: “The winner can put the logo on his/her blog. Link to the person you received your award from..then nominate seven OTHER blogs! Put links of those blogs on yours and leave a message on those blogs you’ve nominated! So basically…keep passing it on!!

Now I have the honor of passing the award on! Be sure to check out these REALLY GREAT blogs..

Chelsea and Shiloh (you can share, can’t you?) I look forward to reading your blog and seeing all of your great photos. Two more beach hounds.

Lorenza, best dressed Doxie in the whole world.

Dennis, the athletic, mischievous Viszla. You and Tucker keep me entertained with your daily adventures.

Waldo, the snow dog.

Thor, the golden boy of Brazil.

Max, who is quite the entraprenuer now. He’s got his own business. And…

Mango, who is a mastiff, but he sure looks like a tiger to me. You don’t have to share this with the labradude if you don’t want to. Tell him I said so, that’s why.

4. I also got this “Lemonade Award”. I’m not sure what it’s for, but I think it means I come to the aid of lemons or something. Whatever lemons are


To be honest, I saved the photo of the award and forgot to save the info. that goes with it, so I don’t know who even gave it to me, sorry. My bad. I’m just going to leave it at that. Thank you whoever gave it to me if you happen to see this post.


5. And last, but not least, from the capt. of the squirrel patrol, Rusty, I got his “Best Bud Award.” rustys-best-bud-awardI don’t have to pass that one on, since it’s his award that he gives out to his friends. Thanks Rusty!

Gosh, I’m exhausted after all of that writing.

I awarding myself a snack  for all of that hard work.  You can get one too if you want. Just go bug your mom or dad for it.  Tell them Behr Behr said you could have it.

♥ Behr Behr. 🙂

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January 2009

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