You are currently browsing the monthly archive for January 2009.

Mom’s finally helping me post the photos of my very first camping trip….that was a few MONTHS ago! That was back when my ears were still in tape and the weather was a not as cold as it is now.

Mom and Dad bought me my OWN backpack to put all my toys and stuff in. WooHoo! I gathered up all of my favorite things in a flash and was ready to go, but had to wait for them to pack our truck. Took them about 2 days. (in dog hours)


When we got there, I took a quick look around and decided I was gonna love this “camping” thing!! Yippee!! Lots of room to run around and animals to sniff and chase.

view That was before they put me on that silly cable thing and I could only move around in about a 100 ft. (diameter) circle. Bummer. Something about campground rules. A little funny to walk around in my (glow in the dark?) coat with that cable thing on me.

i-glow-in-the-dark At least we went for lots of walkies, like Rusty said we would be doing.


Mom got one of her silly toys out to play with, and it was fun to chase and bark at. I never caught it because it was always just out of reach. Darn. Whatever it was, it was fast!


Here’s where it gets really exciting. On one of our walkies, I think I found a UFO that had crashed into the woods. I stuck my head in their door and barked, but no one answered. No doggies in there. I think they left because they crashed into a lake and all the water went inside their space ship.  I run when I see a thing full of water too, ’cause it usually means I’m gonna get a bath.


When we got back to our campsite, we were just kicking back and enjoying the sunshine a bit (temperatures in the 30’s F).


I couldn’t believe what I saw!!!!! This crazy ground squirrel came sneaking into our campsite on some kind of secret mission. (the audacity!!)


We were all very still, watching to see what she was going to do. When she saw that we were not moving, she assumed we were safe and continued on her mission. Apparently, she was there to steal paper towels. I think she was going to take them back to her house to sell on Flea-Bay or something. That’s what Mom said.    stealing-paper-towels

She stuffed a small piece of towel into her mouth and ran off to stash it at her house. While she was there, she looked up the value on Flea-Bay and must have decided it was worth a lot to other squirrels, so she came back to steal more. That’s when she got really greedy and tried to stuff a WHOLE BUNCH of paper towels into her mouth, but they wouldn’t quite fit. Sorry the video is shaking, Mom was laughing as she filmed it for me so I could show you.

Then I remembered that I was supposed to be on Squirrel Patrol, so I did my duties and made sure she didn’t come back to steal more stuff from us. I’m pretty sure she wanted my toys and food next.

Probably if you ask nicely, your human(s) will take you camping to see the UFO’s and paper eating squirrels sometime. Well, those of you in other countries might have to watch out for other kinds of thieving animals. I’m pretty sure they all live near campgrounds though, since they’ve been kicked out of the cities where they all got in trouble.

Hey, if you see our paper towels on Flea-Bay, can you let my mom know please? Thanks.

♥ Behr Behr, doin’ the squirrel patrol thing.

Note from Behr Behr’s mom– the “UFO” Behr Behr thinks she saw was really a device for wild animals to get water in the forest. You probably shouldn’t tell her though, since she thought she was being brave to approach the alien puppies. 🙂

I just wanted to show you how much work it is to get snacks around my house. My parents got me this “toy” for my birthday, but really, I think it’s an instrument of torture. Why don’t they ever just hand me the snacks without making me do all kinds of work to get them? I know other puppies don’t have to work for their food. Maybe I should protest.

It usually takes me 20 seconds to get all the snacks out of this “toy” called the “Dog Brick”, but I was a little slow because they were watching me with that silly camera. Again. They follow me around with that thing all the time.

♥  Behr Behr, Dog Brick pro 🙂

Note from Behr Behr’s mom– Aw, don’t listen to her. She’s just in a whiney mood right now. She really and truly enjoys ANYTHING that we make into a game, including the Nina Ottoson Dog Brick. We just ask her, “Wanna play with your puzzle?” and her ears perk up and she starts drooling. 🙂

OK, I know it sounds silly, but I miss my red dots.

I just passed the one year mark of having a stat counter that keeps track of what countries my visitors are from, so the counter started over. I also just passed one year of blogging (celebration coming up soon…stay tuned!) In fact, I just turned one year old not long ago too, so that’s why I’ve only been blogging for a year.

Here’s the map before they took all the dots away.


Here it is this morning.


I think the dots are sad because all of their red dot friends went home.  I sure hope everybody comes back to visit. I sure love all of my international doggie friends that I’ve made this year!!!! What an amazing world we live in to be able to bring puppies together from all over the world to be friends!!!!

I miss you. When you visit, don’t forget to bring your red dots, ok?  My other dots are awfully lonely right now.

♥ Behr Behr, friend of the red dots 🙂

My Dad’s being silly again. My Mom came home the other day to find the sign on our gate had been changed to look more like me. Well, sort of.

Here’s what it’s supposed to look like…


And here it is now…


For those who don’t know it, my name, Behr Behr, is German for “little bear.” Mom and Dad say I act like one because I’m kind of wild and act more like a bear than a great dane. Personally, I take that as a compliment.

Behr Behr …..grrrrr



I don’t know about you, but I’ve been given that kind of look before.

Isn’t it funny how much dogs love riding in cars? We call our car the “Behr Behr mobile”, since she thinks it’s her personal taxi.

Actually, maybe it IS….

Oh Dear! I’ve gotten behind on posting some of my new, fun awards that I’ve received. My apologies to everyone who nominated me for these wonderful awards. I feel so privileged for having such pawsome blog friends like you. Woo hoo! I’m leaping in the air for sheer joy at the thought of you all!!

Ok, so down to business.

1.Friends Award”, given to me by my blogging friends, Roxy, Lilly, and Sophie, AKA the “PR Gang.” Their mom is really cool ‘cause she makes them seahorse cookies! Thanks!


The reason for this award is: “These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”

We’re passing the “Friends Award” on to… (drum roll please….)

Belisma Rune (whew! That’s a lonnnnng name!)

Dobby, ‘cause he’s just so cute!

Baby Shiloh, my newest (and youngest) friend

Kai, because I want him to know he’s special to me, even if his sisters have stolen his blog…

Kenai and BB. Kenai, I wanna be big like you when I grow up. Kenai has a really cool blog full of great dog information. Go there if you haven’t already. BB is Kenai’s little brother who has overcome major obstacles and deserves to be recognized for that. (they can share the award)

Bu, who needs to come back and let us know how he is.

Rusty, my squirrel chasing buddy, and..

Savage, to cheer him up as he recovers from surgery.

Note: If any of these blogs are new to you, breeze on by and check them out. You might just find a new friend there.

2. The “Kind Blogger Award”, given to me by that rascally Dennis. Does that mean I’m kind of a blogger, Dennis?


I’m going to pass this one on to Franki V., who is really, really kind. When I was little, she even gave me a pretty pink vest, which I still wear to this day.

3. I got this one from two sources at the same time. Huey and Higgins, the Hawaiian beach danes, and Roxy, Lilly, and Sophie, the “PR Gang.” Thank all of you for choosing me for the “I Love Your Blog” award!! Now if we all lived closer, we could have an awesome “pawty” and celebrate by playing together. I wish we did.


The fine print: “The winner can put the logo on his/her blog. Link to the person you received your award from..then nominate seven OTHER blogs! Put links of those blogs on yours and leave a message on those blogs you’ve nominated! So basically…keep passing it on!!

Now I have the honor of passing the award on! Be sure to check out these REALLY GREAT blogs..

Chelsea and Shiloh (you can share, can’t you?) I look forward to reading your blog and seeing all of your great photos. Two more beach hounds.

Lorenza, best dressed Doxie in the whole world.

Dennis, the athletic, mischievous Viszla. You and Tucker keep me entertained with your daily adventures.

Waldo, the snow dog.

Thor, the golden boy of Brazil.

Max, who is quite the entraprenuer now. He’s got his own business. And…

Mango, who is a mastiff, but he sure looks like a tiger to me. You don’t have to share this with the labradude if you don’t want to. Tell him I said so, that’s why.

4. I also got this “Lemonade Award”. I’m not sure what it’s for, but I think it means I come to the aid of lemons or something. Whatever lemons are


To be honest, I saved the photo of the award and forgot to save the info. that goes with it, so I don’t know who even gave it to me, sorry. My bad. I’m just going to leave it at that. Thank you whoever gave it to me if you happen to see this post.


5. And last, but not least, from the capt. of the squirrel patrol, Rusty, I got his “Best Bud Award.” rustys-best-bud-awardI don’t have to pass that one on, since it’s his award that he gives out to his friends. Thanks Rusty!

Gosh, I’m exhausted after all of that writing.

I awarding myself a snack  for all of that hard work.  You can get one too if you want. Just go bug your mom or dad for it.  Tell them Behr Behr said you could have it.

♥ Behr Behr. 🙂

want-to-be-a-great-daneAll you have to do is think big….think big…..think big. It’s working for me. Now you try it.

Just a thought.

♥ Behr Behr, Chief Motivating Officer for Puppies

Q. – Dear Behr Behr, how do I get my mom/dad to notice me and do fun things with me again? signed, bored puppy.


A. – Dear Bored puppy, unfortunately, moms and dads have a problem called AOADD (adult onset attention deficit disorder). What happens is that their minds can’t focus on simple things all day like ours can. We pick the few things that are really important to us and focus on them, like food, play, kisses, naps, and walkies. Sadly, they often lose the ability to do that. Their minds think about a million silly, unimportant things like groceries, bills, work, cleaning, errands, etc., etc. None of those are fun or healthy. You have to help them out by reminding them to get outside and play, for example, or they will never think of it. It will be good for them, and you’ll have fun in the process.


I suggest you just put your cute, smiling face everywhere they usually go while they are doing the unimportant, boring things. sandwich-boardIt will make them feel guilty, and they will find fun places to go with you. wantedIt works for me.



Today Mom and Dad took me for a really fun walkie!! I got to meet a horse up close, Isniffing-horse

saw a tiger who still had his bow on from his parent’s tree game, tiger-2and a yard I wish I could run in.nice-yard

Then I was walking on a country road that had a drainage hole of some sort, skunk1and my nose said to go check it out. Mom and Dad would have never bothered because their AOADD was causing them to look all over the place a boring things like houses and trees and stuff. skunk3


This little guy was taking a nap, probably waiting for his mom to come home and take him for a walkie. He was a cute little puppy with stripes, and Mom and Dad said his name was “Skunk”. Wow, that’s a weird name for a puppy! They wouldn’t even let me play with him, either. I thought they were being mean.


Great day for a walkie, and we all had lots of fun for sure. You’ll have to try it on your mom/dad and let me know how it works for you. Remember, you’ll be doing them a favor.


♥ Behr Behr, advice columnist to puppies. 🙂





I cut this out and left it on Mom’s desk so that she would know I’m not the only one (remember this story?)

♥ Behr Behr, professional sock collector 🙂

(Behr Behr’s mom hijacking the blog again…)

Yikes! We just discovered that Behr Behr has a dog whisperer, in her ear! No, not the famous guy on T.V. If it were him, she would probably be a lot more compliant and get into less trouble. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but hers is a female whisperer. Yes, you heard that right. A lady. Stuck in Behr Behr’s ear. I don’t think she’s been whispering good things for Behr Behr to do, either. I think she’s responsible for suggesting things like tearing up blankets and toys and that kind of thing. But first, let me explain how we found this out.

It goes back to Christmas morning, really. One of our gifts from my daughter-in-law was a handmade calendar, full of photos of Behr Behr doing her usual (and some new) silly things. calendar-front The calendar is awesome, and some photos made us laugh even! (it is hard to photograph properly, sorry It looks WAY better in person) Anyhow, it was so….

Wait, this story starts even before then, sorry. We’ll get back to Behr Behr in a minute. You have to understand that my daughter-in-law (AKA adopted daughter) is an amazing young lady that I’m happy my son married. After many years of marriage, she got pregnant with my first grandchild, who by the way, is the cutest little guy on the planet. Hey, I’m grandma, I can say that.

Anyhow, she survived some very serious complications during delivery, only to discover afterward that she had also developed cancer. Both my grandson and his mom had to have surgery afterwards, and then she started medical treatment for the cancer. Some people would have been super discouraged at this point, but she instead, remained amazingly positive. That’s where the calendar comes in. She had to be in total isolation for about a week, away from her hubby and son while undergoing treatment. Not an easy thing for a new mommy, to be sure. It was during this time, all alone in her room following surgery and treatment that this calendar was created. Most people aren’t thinking about Christmas projects for their in-laws at at time like this, but that shows you what kind of person she is. I couldn’t have asked for a better daughter-in-law, and I’m blessed to have her as a part of our family.

OK, back to Behr Behr. Tonight we were looking at the January photo januaryon our calendar and laughing at how silly our little pup looked as she went thru her “Yoda” ear phase. Boy are we ever glad THAT has ended!! That’s when I noticed the lady in her ear. I thought maybe it was just the calendar, but when I got out the original photo (because it was a little bit more clear), it was in that one too. Look at her ear and see if you see the “blondish” lady with her chin resting on her right hand, staring off innocently into space (facing the word “face” on the photo). dog-whispererYeah, she looks innocent alright. NOT. She was the one suggesting Behr Behr get into the trash, take socks, tear up rugs and blankets, eat rocks, and so forth.

The GOOD news is that she is gone now, thankfully. All that remains is some of the bad habits Behr Behr learned under the tutalage of this crazy lady, but even those are beginning to fade with maturity and training now.

So, now we know why our sweet little innocent puppy misbehaved so much. I don’t know where the lady dog whisperer went, but if you have a dog that is misbehaving, maybe you should check your dog’s ears to see if she’s hiding in there somewhere. I think she could give that famous guy a run for his money.

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January 2009

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