You are currently browsing the daily archive for August 14, 2014.

It’s so hot where we live that I’m always happy when Mom and Dad decide to go visit the mountains.

Even if I have to put up with their fascination for fake bears.

Yes, once again we’ve gone to a cabin that’s full of bear stuff. I really don’t get it, since they have a REAL Behr…ME!

This one was up high in the living room, and I thought he looked kind of creepy.

Bear on swing framed

I’m wasn’t sure if he was laughing at me, or showing me his fangs.

The fake bears were everywhere, so I mainly stayed outside so I didn’t have to look at them. I kept watch though, in case more tried to come in the yard. 

Behr at cabin framed

I was in “sniff heaven” around the cabin, since lots of wild animals pass through there at night.

Behr sniffing around lake framed

When I got tired of sniffing, it was fun to watch the ducks flying down to the lake and playing in the water. I’ve been a bird watcher since I was a tiny pup.

Behr by lake framed

What do you mean I wasn’t supposed to shred the bed in this dog house? Didn’t the owners tell us to “make ourselves at home?” Well, I did.

Behr on porch framed

Outside wasn’t totally free of the pretend bears, though. There was a big one on the porch, unfortunately.

Mom wanted to take a picture of us together, as if we were friends or something!   Notice how we won’t even look at her at all, and I refused to sit totally down and look natural.

The fake bear kept trying to get out of the picture, so they had to tie him down. 

Behr with bear framed

In spite of the phoney bears, I thought the trip to the cabin was a happy one. Even the trees are happy around there! 

tree framed

I heard Mom say something about their bark, but I never heard them make a sound. Silly trees.

♥ Behr Behr, the REAL bear 🙂


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August 2014

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