My mom is allergic to morning. At least, I think that’s what she told me. 

That’s a big problem right now because it’s way too hot for us to go for walkies any other time.

It’s like 147 degrees by 8 in the morning. Yuck.

She surprised me by waking me up when it was dark outside saying, “Let’s go, Behr Behr.” Really Mom?? Woohoo!!! I woke up REAL fast before she could change her mind!

I’m no dummy. 

It was weird being on the street with no one around.

Behr on road 1 framed

There weren’t even any cars around. I think they were still asleep.

Behr on road 2 framed

I was surprised to see my friend Donkey up so early.

Behr with donkey framed

This time of morning Mom is too sleepy to talk to me, so I have plenty of time to think about things. Like signs.

I’ve always wondered what they mean. Some are pretty weird, actually. Like this one-

Rock in road sign framed

I thought about it for a while. Then I remembered seeing a big boulder in the road one time.

Oh! It means “Go around the big rocks!”

Boulder in road framed

Really I would rather jump over them. I guess humans need help deciding what to do when there’s a rock in the road.

When we headed back home, I was in a BIG hurry. Mom didn’t even feed me before we left, so I was starving!!

Behr on road 3 framed

At least I had time to think about deep things, like what human signs mean. And I got to go for walkies with Mom, even with her allergy to morning. 

Life is good.

♥ Behr Behr, sign language interpreter