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Why, it’s ME of course!! Yay!! img_2025

I was so happy that in the midst of all of the construction mess around here, we still got to celebrate my 1st birthday. Wow, I never had a birthday before; and boy was it fun!!! The only bad thing was that I got lots of new toys and there is no where to even run around in the house with them now. Not only that, but we have these yucky ol’ hard concrete floors because our carpet got mold in it. I like soft fluffy things, you know. Mom bought me some nice soft things to lay down on, but I keep getting bored and tearing them up. I just can’t resist! I don’t understand why she can’t just buy me some more when I tear these up. Mom and Dad said I have officially become a puppy teen now, and they said the breeder said I might behave like this. I wonder how she knew?

Ok, so on with the good stuff. 🙂

First of all, Mom and I took a long walkie to some of my favorite places, followed by a car ride and a trip thru Starbucks. I like the Starbucks drive thru because they give Mom pretty drinks and they always give me my own cup of ice. I love ice!

When we got home, my friend, a Pom named Wuki, wukicame over and gave me some presents.Here’s what I got from my friend Wuki.. Isn’t he the cutest?  Because he’s smaller than me, we can’t really play together, but we sniff each other a lot and kind of dance around together.


Thank you WUKI !

Later Mom and Dad gave me even MORE presents to open.


This is fun because I get to tear up all the paper, and then as a bonus prize of some sort, I get a toy after I’m done with the paper. I hope they play this game with me more often. Oh, maybe it would be better if I didn’t have to wear my Puppy Princess crown and sash tho. They kind of get in my way and fall off. I don’t see what they have to do with the game anyhow.

I got a new Orka jack since my other one was getting kinda old.


I also got a Jolly Ball, which is the coolest toy ever!


Then they gave me my first ever dog puzzle.


I love playing with it, and get so excited when I see it that I start drooling. The puzzle is called a “Dog Brick”, and it’s made by some lady named Nina Ottosson.

All I know is that whoever she is, she makes some fun games for puppies like me!!  I LOVE to solve problems, almost as much as I love causing them 🙂 Mom said the puzzle will be especially nice on cold and rainy days like today. I totally agree.

Hey, if there are any other puppies out there that have a “Dog Brick”, maybe we can have a contest to see who’s the fastest. What do you think? Anybody want to play?

Oh, um, so I accidentally tore up my “nearly indestructible” jack.Actually, I like it better this way. The little nobby things make great balls to chase, and they bounce real crazy. some-disassembly-required

Maybe the package should say, “some DISassembly required”  🙂

So, that’ s basically how my day went, along with lots of extra attention and snacks. I hope they do this birthday thing more often!

Hopefully Mom will have time to help me put together the camping trip photos soon. We just now got our desk area back. It was all torn apart and too hard to work with all of the construction stuff around. (You can see their grey trailer thing and a bunch of tools in one of my photos)

Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday dear Princess Behr Behr, happy birthday to me.

Behr Behr, the birthday princess puppy. The one who gets all the toys and paper to tear up.

I was actually getting excited about becoming the world’s first sign spinning Dane, so I got up early to practice. Hmmm. Where would I get a sign to practice with? Oh, I know!

My parents have this silly rule that when they don’t want me to cross an imaginary line (like out of my crate or into a room), they say “no dogs!” and draw a line with their hand. You know, the rule is ok when they ask me to stay in my crate with the door open, or maybe out of the bathroom room or something (although I do like to get in there and snag the toilet paper). I guess I can handle that. BUT, when they tell me I can’t be in the kitchen where all of the food is, I say, “no way!!”

I talk back to them, sneak in, and pretend I didn’t hear them so I can be in the kitchen where the food is.

Anyhow, since I don’t like their silly “no dogs allowed” thing, I chose that sign to practice with. Here I am running around the yard with the sign.

I jumped up with it, spun around, and did a couple of cool tricks. Things were going well.

Then I got to thinking about how much I dislike them keeping me out of the food filled kitchen, and it made me mad. Grrrrrrr. So, I kinda “accidentally on purpose” like tore up the silly sign.

Then I remembered how much I LOVE to chew on sticks, and, well, you can guess what happened to the stick.

Maybe I won’t become the world’s first sign spinning Dane after all. It’s just too tempting to eat the signs and the sticks. Oh well. I tried.

♥ Behr Behr, the sign eating Dane.

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