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Wow! I got another award, this one passed on to me by my squirrel chasing friend, Rusty.

Thank you, my friend, and yes, I humbly accept my award. Well, I’m trying to stay humble. “Brillante” means brilliant, bright, glossy, shining like a diamond. Gosh, Mom said that pretty well describes me, the princess puppy! Ok, when I roll in the dirt I’m not as glossy, but otherwise it fits me. Mom and Dad think I’m brilliant, whatever that means. As for the “diamond” part of the definition, it’s obviously referring to my multi-faceted talents, like hovering, shredding, bat imitations, and sign spinning. Thank you, Rusty, for the compliment!

As honored as I feel receiving this award, I must say some of my friends are very deserving (if not more!) of this award as well. Rather than keep it all to myself, I want to share it with three of those friends. I love the fact that we can be friends, even though some of us live pretty far away from each other.

So, with that, I’m excited to pass it on to:

Chelsea, of Australia, because she’s such a “girly girl”, glossy, shiny, and as beautiful as the finest cut diamond. She brilliantly gets along with other dogs and people, and even helps her mom at work. I don’t get to go to work with my mom.

Amber Mae, of Malaysia, because she is the brightest dog I know! She has won so MANY dog shows, and is extremely talented and beautiful. Her blog is always exciting to read, since she has so many fun adventures!

Kai, of the USA, because he has been such an amazing gentleman since his new “little” sister, Willow showed up and took over “his” blog. He politely stepped aside so she could be in the limelight. Frankly, she is cute, and we love reading about her. I just don’t want Kai to be forgotten, the brilliant dane gentleman that he is.

Enjoy your award, my friends. You deserve it even more than I.

Behr Behr, the multifaceted usually glossy pup.

Behr’s mom here. I’m borrowing “little” Behr Behr’s computer while she’s asleep. Shhhh. Whatever you do, don’t wake her up, please! It’s finally calm around here while she’s napping, and I need the peace and quiet!! Those of you who know Behr Behr personally will totally understand. Those who don’t know her personally will have to just imagine what it’s like living with a wild bear cub in your house. No kidding.

Anyhow, Kathryn, of 4urpets fame, and Pedro, of Vote for Pedro, have issued a challenge for the scariest teeth photo from the world of dog blogdom. No problem; I have just the perfect photo!!! This one is going to be the most bizarre, for sure!

(bat photo source:

Amazing bat imitation, isn’t it?

This is what Behr Behr does sometimes when we put her in her crate while we are at the dinner table, so that she’s not getting into anything and we can eat in peace. (the crate is within view of the table) She lays down in her crate, teeth resting on the bars, just making weird faces at us. Heaven only knows what goes thru her mind while she’s doing this!! I wish I knew sometimes. It does make us laugh, tho, and laughter is good for the heart. It’s one of the many reasons we love our little Behr Behr.

Behr Behr’s mom.  🙂

I was actually getting excited about becoming the world’s first sign spinning Dane, so I got up early to practice. Hmmm. Where would I get a sign to practice with? Oh, I know!

My parents have this silly rule that when they don’t want me to cross an imaginary line (like out of my crate or into a room), they say “no dogs!” and draw a line with their hand. You know, the rule is ok when they ask me to stay in my crate with the door open, or maybe out of the bathroom room or something (although I do like to get in there and snag the toilet paper). I guess I can handle that. BUT, when they tell me I can’t be in the kitchen where all of the food is, I say, “no way!!”

I talk back to them, sneak in, and pretend I didn’t hear them so I can be in the kitchen where the food is.

Anyhow, since I don’t like their silly “no dogs allowed” thing, I chose that sign to practice with. Here I am running around the yard with the sign.

I jumped up with it, spun around, and did a couple of cool tricks. Things were going well.

Then I got to thinking about how much I dislike them keeping me out of the food filled kitchen, and it made me mad. Grrrrrrr. So, I kinda “accidentally on purpose” like tore up the silly sign.

Then I remembered how much I LOVE to chew on sticks, and, well, you can guess what happened to the stick.

Maybe I won’t become the world’s first sign spinning Dane after all. It’s just too tempting to eat the signs and the sticks. Oh well. I tried.

♥ Behr Behr, the sign eating Dane.

Most of the time, I tell you about my activities, mishaps, and fun things that happen in my life. I guess I haven’t told you much about my personality or favorite things. Sorry about that.

A few of my favorite things are:

My moose toy (absolute favorite!!!!)

Mom can hide Mr. Moose anywhere in the house and tell me to go find him, and with lightning speed I race thru the house and hunt him down. I tear out after him so fast I knock things down that are in my way accidentally sometimes. I’m a really good moose hunter. Actually, I can find several of my toys, by name now. It’s a game we call “find it” around my house.

My Zebra Pillow. It’s soft, like Mr. Moose, but I’ve decided that I like the zebra so much that I take it to bed with me and use it as a pillow. I don’t chew on the zebra much at all, since I like it better as a pillow. (I do tend to tear everything else I own up tho…)

The zoomies!!!! I love to run as fast as I can whenever I get the chance. For whatever reason, my parents aren’t always impressed with my turbo-charged zoomie runs. I think they’re pretty cool, tho.

Air conditioning (or fans). Mom and Dad turn on the A/C in the car, aim it at the front seat arm rest, put a pillow there for my head, and I’m a happy camper. I don’t care how long of a drive we are on, as long as I’ve got my A/C and pillow. It also means my head is next to their arms on the arm rest, so that makes it extra snuggly.

Digging for buried treasure. I used to dig plain ol’ holes all the time, but that got boring. Now I’m fascinated with tree roots. I love to dig them up and pull them out of the ground to chew on. It’s like hunting for buried treasure!

Watching myself drooling water. Yep, you read that right. Almost every time I drink water from my bowl, I walk over to a mirror we have that’s my height and just watch the water drip from my mouth. I think it’s pretty funny. It’s the only time I drool (other than while waiting for meals when I’m super hungry). Sometimes when I’m in the house and bored, this is how I entertain myself. Back and forth from the water dish to the mirror. Mom keeps trying to catch this on video, but I won’t let her. When I see her sneak up with the camera, I stop and look at her with that look that says, “what?” like I don’t have any idea why she’s there.

Playing cops and robbers with Mom and Dad. In case you are wondering, I play the robber, they are the mean ol’ cops. I am REALLY sneaky about this one. I silently, with much stealth, work to steal things right near them without them ever catching me. They say I’m like a pick pocket or something, whatever that is. I have actually stolen handkerchiefs out of Dad’s pocket. Maybe that’s what they mean. My favorite thing is to steal socks, so they have to hide them from me. I discovered that sometimes they hide them in the dirty clothes hamper, so they can’t outsmart me on that one! Ha! I like to steal anything that is soft and small enough to fit in my mouth, ‘cause that way it doesn’t make any noise when I take it. I think it’s quite an accomplishment if an 88lb. black great dane can sneak by them and steal something without them catching me, especially since they’re on to my game.

My greatest accomplishment so far? Stealing the felt pads off of the feet of chairs they are sitting in…WHILE they are still in the chair! This one takes lots of patience. I do it a little bit at a time, waiting for them to move a little bit and shift their weight in the chair while I give it a little tug. Eventually I get it. Always amazes them.

Pretending I’m a gazelle. I just jump up off the ground with all 4 feet at the same time, still moving forward, like a gazelle does. Dad said this is called “stotting” or “pronking”. You can watch a video of an antelope pronking on this website:

(Note: I think you have to either watch it with Internet Explorer, or have Firefox configured to operate in an IE like environment) Maybe someday my mom can catch me doing this and video tape it for you. I’m kinda unpredictable, tho, and only do it suddenly when the urge strikes and I’m feeling particularly energetic. One time, when Dusty’s mom came over, I got the zoomies and every time I ran by her, I pronked. (if you can use the word that way)

So there you go. Don’t you feel like you know me a little better now?

♥ Behr Behr, the moose loving, totally cool, sneaky, pronking pirate 🙂

This Saturday, April 26th, I turned 6 months old. Yay!

To celebrate, Mom and I were going to have a day together outside, complete with photos with her new camera Dad got as a surprise for her. I was pretty excited, since mom hadn’t been feeling well for a while and I missed playing outside with her and going for hikes and stuff. Besides that, I feel real important, like a movie star or something when she takes lots of photos of me. She even had some fun things to dress me up with, like cool princess things

So, Dad went out of town to have breakfast with friends and mom fixed my breakfast. Yum. When they fix my food, I sometimes sit at the edge of the kitchen and drool even, ‘cause I can hardly wait for my “foodies.” As usual, I woofed my “foodies” down in a matter of seconds, even tho they do funny things to me, like putting a big chain in my bowl to try to slow me down. They’re so silly. After I eat, they have another silly rule that I have to go to my crate and take a little nap and not run around. When I wake up, then we can play.

Well, it was my special day, and I was super excited, so after eating, I got a sudden case of the “zoomies” and raced around the house until mom tackled me and put me in my crate. Darn. I decided that I was a big girl now and didn’t need a nap, so I started playing in my crate…jumping and rolling around. I was having a little party in my crate! Mom caught me and made me stop. Darn again.

A few minutes later, something bad started to happen to my tummy. I got super sick and started throwing up, and then it got worse….I don’t remember what happened then. Mom said she grabbed me out of my crate and I was drooling, unable to stand, and had diarrhea. She called the emergency animal hospital told them she was bringing me in. I guess the doctor said it was really bad, and they were going to have to do surgery. Poor mom was in the waiting room crying, calling Dad, and praying I would survive. Miraculously, right before surgery, my stomach apparently untwisted and I became instantly better!!!! I guess her prayers were answered, and everyone was real surprised!!! You should have seen mom’s face when I came walking out with the vet! When I got to go home, they told her I had to lie down quietly for 3 days and eat a bland diet and take some medicine. I have to tell you, tho, this REALLY scared me a whole bunch. I don’t even TRY to run around anymore. I’m really good and just go straight to my crate for my nap, no tossing and turning, no protesting. I’m just glad to be alive right now. I’ve really settled down a lot since “The Big Scare”, too.

I did still get my new leopard toy for my 6 month birthday. Mom took some pictures of me with it for you.

She also found a really funny dish called the “Slow Down Dish” that I have to eat out of now. It’s like a weird maze, and I have to work hard at getting my food out of it. I eat REALLY SLOWWWWWLY now.

So, that’s how I celebrated my 6 month birthday. Not what we had in mind, but I’ve learned my lesson, believe me. I’m just happy to still be here with my Mom and Dad, and to be in a home where I’m loved, in spite of the things I seem to get myself into. Mom says we probably make our vet’s mortgage payment, whatever that means. Glad we can help the vet out. So, hopefully Mom and I can still have that special play time one day soon. Sorry Mom and Dad for worrying you, and honest, I’ll really try to be a good girl when I eat now. I love you both 🙂

♥ Behr Behr

PS from Behrs mom: Gastric torsion kills almost 40% of the dogs who get it, and very quickly. We are most fortunate to still have our little Behr Behr. Again. We are also very happy that after having her only a few days (and seeing how rambunctious she is) we decided to buy pet insurance for the very first time. We send our claim forms to them in bunches, overwhelming the poor agent handling our claims. This whole incident seems to have settled her down quite a bit, tho. Its like she has a whole new respect for life.

As a side note, her brother, Legacy, was at his first show the same day (with her sister, Fame). In between shows, he vomited 2 entire rope toys that his mom didnt even know he had eaten, whole, and shes a veterinarian. (and the breeder we got Behr from) She was thankful she didnt have to do surgery on him on the same day as Behr almost had to have surgery. Wild bunch of pups, needless to say!! 🙂

Hey, do you remember my post about the Hover dogs ? Well, those guys I can understand. They look like pretty athletic dogs, you know?

Even this one….


(source – Icanhashotdog)

You have to admit, he does look an awfully LOT like Falcor from “The Neverending Story”. (mom thought that was a cool movie)

But this is pushing it.

(source: Icanhascheeseburger)

A hovering Rhino !!?!??! I don’t think so. He’s waaaaaaaay too heavy; even I know that! Besides, I don’t know if they can even run fast enough to get up the speed to take off and fly like that.


“Tower to Falcor cub 777, you’re following a 757 Rhino heavy into LAX, wind speed 330 at 6”

“Falcor cub 777, you are cleared to land, runway 7L/ 25R.Caution: wake turbulence.”

“Falcor cub 777 here. Roger that, cleared to land 7L/25R. We see the traffic.”

“Great. Maintain visual separation with Rhino air traffic ahead of you”

“Excuse me….tower??”

“LAX Tower here. Did you have a question Falcor cub 777?”

“Roger that, tower. Did you say, RHINO heavy air traffic ahead with wake turbulence?????!!”

(note: if there happen to be any pilots reading this, please excuse any inaccuracies. I’m not a commercial pilot…I’m a great dane puppy who’s still learning to walk, much less fly) 🙂

♥ Behr Behr – grounded till I learn to hover…altho, I did try before they clipped my wings



Is spam real meat?  (um,that’s the subject of many debates)

Is spam mail ever real mail? (rarely!!)

My mom was going thru her e-mail today, and just randomly checked her spam folder to see if there happened to be any real mail in there. She very, very rarely ever even checks it before deleting everything in there. Gosh, she almost deleted a letter for me that was real!

CONGRATULATIONS! Your wonderful site was selected as the COOL DOG SITE OF THE DAY!



Congratulations!” selected your wonderful site

( Behr Rake’s blog )


“Cool DOG Site of the Day” on 2nd of March, 2008.

The site will be introduced on that day. Cool Dog Site of the Day” started in April 1996.

Visitors are from more than 68 countries around the world. Cool Dog Site of the Day” has received many awards and also has been featured in several magazines like “FIDO” in Sweden, ” DOG FANCY” in USA, and a book published in Taiwan introducing web pages of the world


That was pretty cool news, if I do say so myself. Even if I found out after it happened 🙂

I’m always happy to have new friends to visit with, and if any of you found me this way, WELCOME !! Glad you stopped by for a visit!

Speaking of spam, mom found out that there is actually a Spam Festival! Turns out it’s in Hawaii, where Dusty’s mom is from.

Hey Dusty, do you guys eat that stuff? (mom’s in the background making weird noises right now, and saying, “Ewwwww! Gross!)

Now, can I just try some of that spam stuff and I’ll let you know if it’s real meat or not?

Behr Behr, the REAL THING, for real :)


A few days ago, I was reading Kathryn’s blog, 4urpets, where she mentioned the funny ways people had found her blog. Got my curiosity up, so I checked Behr’s blog to see the full list of search terms people had used when they found us. Behr Behr and I had to laugh at some of the ways people ended up on her blog!!! I wonder what they thought when they saw that it was a puppy blog? 🙂

Take a look at actual search terms used to find Behr Behr:

Dogs – OK, so that’s pretty general! I typed “dogs” into Google search, and it brings up 210,000,000 results, and they somehow choose my little Behr Behr’s blog! I feel honored. What’s even more amazing is that that term landed someone on her blog 3 times! What are the odds?????!

You Bet Your Fur – I can just picture someone walking into a gambling casino and plopping down a handful of fur, waiting for their turn at blackjack. I have no idea how Google connected that one to us.

Outside Water Games – Much less messy than the inside ones. Behr’s never gotten to play any, either way.

Dog’s Thumb – Something handy for dogs to have when they need to hitchhike somewhere. I do actually understand how that one connected us, tho, since Behr went thru a phase of sucking on her tail, and I did mention the word thumb in the post.

Princess Rides – She’s not big enough to give those yet, ‘cause she’s still a little puppy princess.

Behr Mine – No, actually she’s not yours. She’s all ours, and we like it that way.

Sissy Spa – Must have gotten us confused with Sissy over at 4urpets. I guess the person was trying to clarify that they didn’t want a manly spa or something.

Fix Flying Ears Dog – Yep, that’s a good idea so they don’t fly away. That’s why we cropped Behr Behr’s ears. Kinda like clipping the wings of a bird, you know? Nothing like a great dane that keeps flying out of the yard.

Golden Days Doggie Day Spa – Sounds like a great place for senior dogs!

My Parents Make Me Fat – First of all, I checked with Behr Behr and she doesn’t feel that way, and she never said that. Sounds like a personal problem. Regardless, reading a puppy’s blog is a great substitute for eating, so I’m glad we could help.

Mom Oops – It’s okay honey, I understand you made a boo boo. Thanks for apologizing.

Behr Grass – Becomes BARE grass after she gets a hold of it. It’s that digging thing of hers.

Bunch Rake Pictures – After we all finish raking the leaves, we take a pictures of the whole bunch of us together, holding our rakes. Behr included. It’s a Saturday ritual. NOT.

Who is a Nun? – I wonder what they thought when they found out that Behr is …”flying none”. Especially since we clipped those ears and grounded her.

Help with Great Danes Ears Falling – Each one cries, “Help I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up” (for those readers not in the US, those are the words of a commercial on TV over here)

Funny Picture with Boxer Dog Pulling Someone – Hmmm. No boxers around here. Now I want to see the picture they were looking for.

Ear Taping Chihuahua –It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s….a… Chihuahua??? Gosh, I can’t imagine trying to tape ears that small. I guess they fly away too.

And one of my favorites…

Hitting My Head with a Rake Picture – Hopefully they don’t have a big heavy frame on that thing. Go knock yourself out, buddy. Maybe even try a bunch rake picture for fun.

So, what terms have people found you with???


Behr Behr’s mom and typist 🙂

Oh no!! Something scary started happening to me this week. I’m 4 ½ months old now, and everything’s been working just fine in my mouth. I’ve got great teeth to woof down my food with, bite sticks with, and shred my toys. Until now, that is.

I was happily chewing on my cow toy, when suddenly I got a sharp pain in my mouth. When I looked down, there was blood all over my nice white cow. I guess I bit him so hard my tooth came out. Yikes! Then before I knew it, 2 more came out. OH NO!!! How will I ever eat all my food now? This is terrible! I can’t even tear up my toys in this newly disabled state. No biting sticks, either. I feel helpless.

Mom came over and saw the mess and pet me and told me I would be ok. She’s always so nice and helps me thru the scary things that happen. What a nice mom. (Of course, she’s smiling right now because I just asked her to type that for me. I know how to keep those snacks coming.)

Then she said she had a surprise for me. Surprise?! Who can think of surprises at a time like this!!!? I mean, my teeth are falling out, for goodness sakes!

She brought me this interesting bone that was ice cold.


Hmmm. I’m not so sure about this one. I barked at it to let her know I thought she had lost it this time. After a while, tho, I decided that maybe I’d try to bite it, and discovered it felt great!!!


Guess what? It tasted like chicken broth, too! NOW we’re talkin’ mom! You’re the best!!!


The more I bit this bone, the better it tasted.

I’m thinking this will be great on hot days. Mom’s thinking it keeps me occupied for quite a while. 🙂 Good stuff.



Maybe you should tell your moms to get you one too! 🙂 Hurry, before hot weather gets here. Tell her Behr Behr said so. That should help 🙂 (or maybe some other toy like it that would be great for summer)


Behr Behr, feeling toothless at the moment. 🙂

P.S.- mom took these photos right before the one with my new harness, which is when the camera decided to die. Hopefully she gets it fixed soon to finish the harness photos.

(addendum from Behr’s mom….if you do get one of these, give it to them outside! It releases the liquid you froze so that it tastes good to the dog!!!)



Well, since it’s a bit embarrassing to be looking like the flying nun, I
decided that I should go incognito whenever I’m out in public. For the time being, I’ll just have to wear my shades.  Only my closest
of friends (like you) will know my true identity.  It’s me, the puppy princess, and NO, I’m not the flying nun! 


Shhhhhh.  Don’t tell anybody it’s me, tho,  Ok?  Only you and I know my real identity.  The rest of the world can keep on thinking I’m that silly flying nun.


Behr Behr, the puppy princess, incognito.  Shhhhh.



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