
Hey, we’re playing a game of tag, and Roxy just tagged me! Woo Hoo!   I ‘m all about fun and games, so this is totally cool!!!!

This game of tag is called the “Fourth Picture Game”. Here’s how it works:

A. Go to the fourth folder in your photo files

B. Choose the fourth photo

C. Post it in your blog

D. Tag two more people/dogs so they can play too.

It’s a random photo, but that’s the nature of the game. Kind of a “lets see what we can catch you doing” kind of thing. Ha Ha !

So, this was during a Super Bowl 2009 party my mom and dad went to. While the people just watched the football players on TV. run around (while they just ate and made lots of noise…), we puppies did our own running around. I played with my cousin, Nala, a rottie, and the neighbor’s labradude puppy. (name??) We took turns stealing Nala’s toys and running from her with them. Nala just mainly bossed us around ‘cause it was her yard.

The photo of me and labradude was the FOURTH file, FOURTH photo.


The TV. score was Pittsburgh Steelers 27, Arizona Cardinals 23. The Steelers became the world champions. The puppy score was Behr Behr 400, Labradude 350, and Nala, um… well, I think she got a 2 or something. It was fun anyhow.


Let’s see, I’m going to tag Addie, since Lucy’s been stealing the spotlight lately, and Kayra, the falcon watching Husky.

p.s.- since the doggies were playin’ so hard during the game, Mom awarded us our own football card photos, as seen here.

♥ Behr Behr, “super bowl” water drinker.  🙂